Wednesday, March 25, 2015

BIRTHRATE BRIBERY? - TIME Magazine Infographic Illustrates an Effect of the Marriage Strike

More and more lately, I've been seeing examples of the mainstream media catching on to the marriage strike.  In this weeks issue of TIME magazine they had a blurb about Japan's falling birthrate and one of their "cutesy" little infographics detailing instances of different countries' governments trying to spur family creation and baby making. 

As you see, they've tried everything from tax breaks to ::flamboyantly gay voice:: fabulous prizes and giveaways!!!

Not surprisingly, none of these mainstream media sources I've seen mention the "problems" with social trends relating to marriage, have pointed any blame on women or feminism, except for to remind us of how liberated and productive women have become because of the savior feminism, and possibly to offer suggestions of how this independence is scaring insecure wittle mensies off!

So next time you hear some feminazi mocking MGTOW's with the tired insults about fedoras and basements and beard placement, and they laugh it off with quips like "GOOD, go your own way, like we care!", remember this article and point out:

Well apparently some people do.  Some people care CONSIDERABLY.  And when enough men join in finally decide to say "they've had it" that the tax base starts to shrink, that harpy will care too...

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