So, like I said, no time for filter. If you aren't up on things yet, well sorry because it's gonna come at you quick, I don't have time to sugar coat and give you back stories, and catch you up on evo psych and everything else. If you haven't been red-pilled on the extent of the problem and the any-means-necesssary approaches that are justifiable, then just listen with an open mind. There was a subreddit that was the hub of a burgeoning community called "The Philosophy of Rape", It discussed this state of the modern "harlot" and suggested that "corrective raping" is the single biggest solution for some of these far-gone slatterns who have found no consequence in their way and most likely will continue but get nothing but enableing and kudos from society for their behavior. TPOR was an underground movement that taught how to select these vile degenerate creatures and how to give them one of these "Corrections" safely, so that one doesn't face any injury or legal consequences to one's self.
The users traded tips and stories, and most of all philosophied on the state of modern woman, compared to that of yesterday, and especially of ancient. They discussed the topic rarely broached by scientists; The evolutionary function of rape. As the controvertial book by the same title states, rape played an important role in human societies. It was a natural check on female behavior. In tribal bands of old, cave-girls would like to be as slutty as possible to maximize their chance of capturing the seed and possibly commitment of the chief or one of the top dogs, but they couldn't, or they would face the risk of possibly catching the eye of the wrong guy, a lesser-value male for instance, who would then rape her, impregnating her and making it now impossible for them to get pregged up by that Alpha sperm they were trying to acquire with their seductive wiles. So rape played a very real, and very important, natural part in keeping a society functioning. We face a similar situation today, where feminists have successfully lobbied for a legal situation so one-sided, that a woman can march naked in a Slut-Walk, star in sleazy hardcore gonzo porn, and still not have any of it be taken into consideration when she decides to falsely-accuse the 8th guy in a 12 man gang-bang train she had run on her at the frat house last week. She woke up the next morning to find out that one of the men wasn't as rich as she had thought, and not wanting to look like the type of slut who fucks such a man, she decides to file rape charges, and will probably succeed.
Anyways, the Southern Poverty Law Center got wind of this "Philosophy of Rape" group and has listed it officially as a "terrorist group" and Reddit eventually shut it down. But the active community is chomping at the bit to form again at some other hub, like Voat. However they don't have a Voat invite. So please, ask around if someone has one.
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