"Is Cultural Marxism a destructive enough force to justify violence, killing, acts of domestic resistance, or even war?"
My short answer so far is:
YES! if that violence, war, etc. would actually be effective in eradicating the plague of Cultural Marxism that is rotting our society from the inside out. I argue that the damaging effects of these ills are real and severe, and this blog posts weekly "examples" supporting my case in the form of links, videos, and other types of content showing the disastrous effects of this ideology. Here is another:
This example is not unlike the others, but what I want to talk about today is the very real moral dilemma associated with dealing with Cultural Marxism with the force that may be necessary. It is possible for an individual to be simply confused or misguided, but still be just as destructive. The fact is, this SJW is somebody's daughter. However, so is every one of them. Or at least, somebody's daughter, son, brother, sister, friend, cousin, girlfriend, etc. The issue isn't that every last SJW is pure evil, or not deserving of empathy, or that their loss of life wouldn't be tragic. This is a very unfortunate situation we have found ourselves in. Because the fact of the matter is that none of this mitigates the destructive power of the ideology that they are spreading. Even if they aren't an evil Feminist opportunist like Anita Sarkeesian, simply parroting the talking points spreads this mind virus to others, and most likely other young people, since they are the one's most susceptible to the trendiness of social justice exploiter ideology.
I participate in many communities and listen to many podcasts around these issues. Many of these figures are older than I am, and have children who are or are about to become teenagers. I wonder if these figures have the conviction to say "Cultural Marxism is destructive enough to justify severe means to eradicate" when it's possible their child may come home one day, like many angsty youngsters, spouting the vile talking points of the C.H.O.R.F.s about "privuhlige" or "patriarchy" etc., or defending the Baltimore rioters etc.
Do you have the intergrity to stand up for what needs to be done, even when the stakes are high?
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