Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Resolutions for 2014

Well... I have all day to decide what my resolutions are going to be.  

Each year, I tend to make similar resolutions, as well as during birthdays, and other markers.  My life is definitely not where I want it to be, and socially I miss being on top of the world the way I was in high school.

This has been one of the truly formative years for me as a man.

This year I discovered The Red Pill, so it has been absolutely foundational for me as an individual.  The things I discovered relating to human nature, men and women, biology, evo-psych, etc. have been formative parts of my world view in a way that I haven't experienced since discovering economics and Liberty philosophy about 5 years ago.

Emotions ran the gamette for me, like they do for most men when they take the red pill.  Now, I am much more content and accepting of it though, and actually feel pretty optomistic.  When I browse reddit, and I see a guy filled to the brim with rage, I instinctively feel the desire to help.  I have a lot of empathy for those guys and feel very protective of them, as I do for short men especially.

Productivity is my goal, I will resolve to make this a habit.

I'm definitely going to re-commit to my blogs and various creative endeavors.  Time management, habits, and mindset are very important.  Procrastination is one of my worst enemies.  I read a blog post recently that talked about how destructive the "all or nothing" mindset can be, if it causes us to often do nothing.

My new years resolution will probably be something along those lines of

  • A little bit or nothing, instead of "all or nothing."
  • Work for a solid 45 minutes each day
  • Do 3 things each day

But we'll see.  I'm on Methadone and feeling good.  Worried about school.  Worried about court.  Worried about my social life.  Worried about having missed the boat career wise.  But I just made it through some very big hurdles, and I'm looking forward to a productive start to 2014.

What are your resolutions men?
Any PUA related goals?  Be specific, experts say that's the key to good goal setting.

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