Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5 Things Alt-Righter's Can Do Online RIGHT NOW Other Than Start a Podcast!

5 Things Alt-Righter's Can Do Online RIGHT NOW Other Than Start a Podcast!

1. Follow churn your way to thousands of Twitter followers - 

This one is something I think we need to every last NEET and Autiste on pronto!  With all that free time, we could have an ARMY of believable sock accounts for everything from fake feminists, and SWPLs, to Black Lives Matter operatives and Cruzatards at our disposal.  All you do, is create a new Twitter, find a thought-leader in their niche (like Shaun King) and start randomly following their followers.  A good portion of them will follow you back.  You can do this til you're following up to about 2,000 people, then you will have to start unfollowing.  You can follow up to 1,000 a day, I believe, but that's usually going to be too much and Twitter will catch you.  But if you only follow like 200 or 300 a day you're fine.  Then you can help retweet Alt-Right content or hashtags you want to go viral, acting outraged.  "I can't even!" and help it pick up steam.  Negative retweets are still retweets!

2. Initiate Purity Spirals - 

This is something particularly useful right now, as Mike said on this weeks Shoah, because of the fury boiling in the granola filled bellies of many a SWPL who feel they got Berned.  Search for topics related to the Wasserman scandal on socialist forums or Reddits, or even better for any tactical-minded posts advising to begrudgingly vote for Hillary. Use your fake SWPL account and suggest that we WANT Trump to win, because he'll be so bad that in 4 years a REAL progressive will get in!

3. Formulate Red-Pilling Kits - 

Think of a specific thing that people want to red pill normies on, for instance the Jewish Question.  Then get specific, because very few will be able to take someone from 0 to RaceWarNow! in a single sitting, so just see if you can red pill someone on something smaller but that builds toward the bigger goal.  For instance, proving to people that "Jews Run Hollywood."  What steps are there in that process?  Coming up with a definition of "Run Hollywood" and why that's the definition.  Lookup the stats in terms of percentage of Jews in the entertainment industry verses percentage of the U.S. population in general.  Look up the Jewish owners, CEOs, CFOs, and vice presidents of the 5 or 6 major media companies and bookmark the links to that information for handy reference.  Have white nationalist references included, as those can be a (((wealth))) of information already done on the topic, but don't rely on them as people will just dismiss it on the basis of that ad-hom.  Practice it on some people online or on family or friends and make note of the stumbling blocks to red pilling and the common counter-arguments, and then lookup counters to those.  Once you have a good system down with the important links and everything, please do share on TRS forum, and I'll also be glad to post it here.

4. False Flag - 

Make up a crazy story that you think ShitLibs would be likely to believe.  The more it's something they badly WANT to believe, the more likely they will be to decide to believe it. Emotion always overcomes skepticism for the ShitLib.  It's easier to "news jack" by coming up with your false flag on the coat tails of a real news event then to fabricate one completely.  For instance, when the Dallas Police Massacre was going on and the identity yet to be released, the Alt Right successfully pushed a false flag that the killer was actually a Neo-Nazi named Jefferey Harris.  This sounds really stupid, but remember the feelz.  These are the people who get a dopamine rush from signaling remember?  They are also most likely halfway through bowl #3 and don't have the energy or agency to check if it's real and they will just take their chances and retweet.  Besides, your false ShitLib account should seem totes legit.

5. Spam - 

This needs no explanation, obviously dank memes or shorter stuff with provocative titles etc. will work best. If there is an important bit of information being intentionally left out by the main stream media, this would be a good thing to spam.  Recently, a lot of cable channels and mainstream papers have been talking about the bribery and the collusion to destroy Bernie, but is leaving out the stuff about the e-mails that show journalists asking for PERMISSION from the DNC before publishing an article and behaving like virtual errand boys, proving what Conservatives have known all along, that the media is really just an arm of the Democratic party.  Find a niche news site that does talk about it, or write your own blurb enlightening the masses and open up a can. Of spam. And whoopass.

*Honorary Mention - 

Offer to help a thought-leader or other busy person already doing a lot of work in the Alt Right.  If you have good writing skills offer to help coauthor a piece with someone who already writes them.  If you like to be the first to see stuff, offer to edit a blog post for TRS.  If you've got a golden voice, record an intro or some clever bumpers for some of the newer podcasts who don't have many bells and whistles.

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